A Generous Donation

We were grateful to receive a donation from the family of our late participant Chris Wright.

Remembering Chris

Chris was a wonderful participant, witty, funny, with a twinkle in his eye, always made the group laugh out loud, he was a long-term dedicated participant who danced with us for a few years. He is missed by us all.

Chris’s family reflected to us that dance was the ‘highlight’ of Chris’s week, hence their wish to donate some money to us.


Within their generous donation was £150 raised by Chris’s niece Poppy (8 years old) who held a cake sale to raise money in memory of Chris, she very kindly decided to donate half of what she raised to our Dance for Parkinson’s classes. We think Poppy is amazing.


The donation has been amazing for us and has enabled us to buy some great props for the dance work that we do with people living with Parkinson’s and for our work on hospital wards for people living with dementia.

We can’t wait to get back to real life sessions to try everything out!

Photograph above of Chris at one of our sessions. Below some photographs of the great props we purchased (and one we made!) with the donation, and us with Poppy and her amazing cakes that we purchased from her fantastic cake sale.


Props Props Props

Props Props

Cake sale


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